For oral presenters: If you plan to share your presentation using the “share screen” function of Zoom, please make sure you join the Zoom meeting in the at least 15 minutes before your session to test for technical issues. Student talks are 10 min + 2 min questions, and most other speakers have 15 min + 2 min questions. For ANBUG awardees, invited and plenary speakers please refer to your personal invitation email for the talk times. We are also offering the opportunity to pre-record your presentations should you wish to do so. If you plan to pre-record, please let us know by email at and we will send you a link to a share drive to upload your presentation in advance. Please upload your pre-recorded talk by the 8th November if at all possible and if you are having difficulties with the upload please contact If your time-zone permits it, please do attend the QA session even if you pre-record to field questions on your talk. In the event that the time zone prohibits your attendance, please make your contact details prominent in your talk such that attendees can contact you if they have questions. Please can you also indicate if you are grant permission for us to share your pre-recorded talk on the ANBUG public page in the future, to highlight the work being undertaken by the community. Otherwise, the recordings will be kept private for viewing only during the virtual AANSS 2020 meeting.
A best practice guide for presenting using Zoom (including links to instructional videos) can be found here and how to use some basic Zoom functions are described here.
For poster presenters: please email your poster in .pdf format to at least 4 hours before the poster session. Please keep the file size to less than 20 MB to allow the email server to process the email directly. Posters will be uploaded to the ANBUG webpage dedicated to the poster session (here) for attendees to browse. During the live poster session, Zoom break out rooms will be arranged with 4-5 posters per room to facilitate conversations about posters from similar themes. Moderators will be present in each breakout room to control the flow of discussions, ensure that every presenter receives a balanced amount of time and that student posters are judged when judges enter the breakout room. Attendees will be able to jump between poster break-out rooms of their own accord, they will be able to see who is in each break out room and move freely between them. To do this attendees must have the most recent version of Zoom installed (Version 5.4.2).
A best practice guide for presenting using Zoom (including links to instructional videos) can be found here and how to use some basic Zoom functions are described here.
For poster slam participants: Anyone who wants to compete in the poster slam for the people’s choice award ($100), please record a 60-second video with a single slide/image. This can be recorded in Powerpoint directly or by sharing your single slide in Zoom and recording as though you were recording a Zoom presentation. Please send these videos to by the 8th November.
For attendees: Please adhere to the ANBUG code of conduct as stated here.