
The current canonical version, including a list of recent changes, is here. The following HTML version is provided for your convenience.

December 2014

Constitution of ANBUG

Chapter 1: Name

This Society shall be called the Australian Neutron Beam Users Group (ANBUG).

Chapter 2: Purpose

The purpose of this Society shall be the advancement of Australian and New Zealand neutron beam research. Pursuant
to this purpose, the Society shall undertake the following:

  1.  Identify and bring together the neutron beam user community of Australia and New Zealand.
  2.  Identify the needs of the neutron beam user community, including future requirements for instrumentation and sources, and represent these needs to the neutron facilities and funding agencies.
  3.  Stimulate, promote, and broaden the use of neutron beam techniques in science and technology.
  4.  Carry out educational activities that support the above goals.
  5. Engage in other activities deemed appropriate and necessary for attaining the objectives of the Society.

Chapter 3: Membership

  1. Membership in ANBUG is open to individuals from organizations, institutions, institutes, corporations and agencies who have an interest in neutron beam research and are interested in furthering and assisting the achievement of the objectives of the Society. Membership is open to citizens of any country.
  2. Individual membership fees will not apply, although the Executive Committee reserves the right to charge fees for attendance at functions and/or workshops organised by the Society.
  3.  Any company, corporation or other organisation may, with the approval of the Executive Committee become a Corporate Member, on payment to the Treasurer of a subscription at a level published by the Society on its website. Subscription levels and changes to them shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Each Corporate Member may empower one individual to vote on its behalf in any deliberations of the Society. Such an individual shall have one vote.
  4. Membership shall be approved by the Executive Committee and biennial renewal of membership is required to maintain active status in the Society.
  5. Members shall be entitled to attend all activities sponsored by the Society.
  6. Members may submit requests and ideas for activities to any member of the Executive Committee.

Chapter 4: Officers

There shall be four officers of the Society the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer:

  1. President: He/she shall represent the Society, administer the Society’s general affairs, convene and whenever possible, preside at all meetings, and conduct other business necessary for the Society. The President of the Society should not be an employee of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO).
  2. Vice-President: He/she shall assist the President as mutually agreed and act in place of the President if the latter is unable to perform his/her duties. The Vice-President of the Society should not be an employee of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
  3.  Secretary: The Secretary shall be in charge of maintaining the files and records of the Society, keeping meeting minutes, communications with the membership and public relations and shall also keep track of the membership. Any Member of the Society may hold this office.
  4. Treasurer: He/she shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Society. Any Member of the Society may hold this office.
  5. Term of office: The President and Vice-President are elected for a two-year term, the President and Vice-President shall each serve for one term. The Vice-President elected for one term shall become President for the succeeding term, and the outgoing President shall remain a member of the Executive Committee for the succeeding term. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a two year term which may be renewable.
  6. Elections: The Executive Committee will develop a slate of candidates. The elections shall occur by balloting administered by the Secretary. Nominations from the general Membership shall be solicited.

Chapter 5: Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will consist of the four Officers of the Society and four other committee members who shall be selected by the Officers to serve for two-year terms. The committee members must include one student or post-doctoral researcher. Committee Members shall serve for two year
terms. Committee Members are eligible for re-election or re-appointment in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4. The Executive Committee shall:

  1.  Govern and manage the Society and control its funds.
  2. Be responsible for the planning and implementation of its activities.
  3. Be responsible for admission of new Members.
  4. Meet at least twice a year to discuss matters concerning the Society.

Any recommendation of the Executive Committee shall be decided by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair has the deciding vote.

Chapter 6: Other Committees

The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees and advisory councils to assist the Executive Committee in managing and directing the business and affairs of the Society and in carrying out its objectives. The persons appointed to such sub-committees do not have to be Members of the Society. A selected Member of the Executive Committee shall be an ex-officio Member of each such sub-committee.

Chapter 7: Meetings of the Society

  1.    There shall be a general meeting of all Members of the Society at least once every two years.
  2.   The Executive Committee may at any time call a general meeting of the Society for the purpose of
    transacting of any business which is specified in a notice to the Membership.
  3.   An agenda for a General Meeting shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and written notification given to the Membership by the Secretary at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.

Chapter 8: Revision of the Constitution

  1. Any two members can propose a revision (in writing) to the Constitution. The Executive Committee shall decide whether the proposed revision shall be submitted to the general Membership for a vote.
  2. The full Membership will be asked to vote on revisions to the Constitution. Any revision or amendment must be approved by two-thirds of the votes cast.
  3. The interpretation of this Constitution rests with the Executive Committee.