ANBUG Town Hall Events: Magnetic Neutron Scattering

ANBUG continues to deliver high-quality online seminars on neutron technologies via the Town Hall events. The first 2024 lecture will be on the topic of magnetic neutron scattering. We are pleased to invite A/Prof. Clemens Ulrich from UNSW to deliver two lectures on this topic, covering the introduction to magnetism, magnetic diffraction and excitations, as well as polarized neutron scattering techniques. The lecture will take place on June 21st from 10:00 to 12:00 AEST. Everyone interested in this topic is welcome to join the lecture.

To attend, please use the following zoom link:


Since neutrons carry their own magnetic moment, they are ideal for the investigation of magnetic properties of materials. For example, the precise spin structure can be determined by neutron diffraction. This encompasses not only the type of the magnetic order, i.e., ferro-, antiferromagnetic or even more complicated spin structures, but also the magnitude of the magnetic moments of every ion, and the particular direction of each spin. Using inelastic neutron scattering magnetic excitations, e.g. magnon dispersions or spin gaps can be determined. A main challenge is to distinguish between nuclear (crystallographic) and magnetic neutron scattering. Therefore, polarized neutron scattering is an ideal technique since it allows to determine the spin state of the excitation directly. This presentation will explain the core concepts of solid state magnetism, magnetic neutron scattering and polarized neutron scattering.

ANBUG-ANSTO Lecture Series on Inelastic Neutron Scattering

The second lecture of the ANBUG-ANSTO lecture series on INS will be held on April 21st from 11:00 to 12:30 AEST. The lecture will focus on Time-of-flight neutron spectrometry and triple-axis neutron spectrometry.

Visit our YouTube channel to get more information:

PELICAN –a Time of Flight Cold Neutron Spectrometer – Operation and Scientific Highlights – YouTube

Introduction to neutron scattering experiments with triple axis spectrometers – YouTube

ANBUG Town Hall Events 2023: ANBUG-ANSTO Lecture Series on Inelastic Neutron Scattering

In this year, ANBUG Town Hall Events will first hold a series of lectures on inelastic neutron scattering, which contains 4-5 lectures, covering the principles, instrument techniques, data processing, as well as theoretical calculations. Everyone who is interested in this field is welcome to join the lectures.

The first lecture will be held on Tuesday, 4th April at 11 am. Dr Kirrily Rule from ACNS will give a talk entitled ‘Neutron scattering for dynamic investigations – an overview of inelastic neutron scattering capabilities at ANSTO’.

Visit our YouTube channel to get more information: Introduction to Inelastic Neutron Scattering at ANSTO – YouTube