The ANBUG executive committee is due for renewal at the end of 2018, and we are looking for members who are interested in being part of the committee.
In 2019, Tracy Rushmer will become ANBUG president. Our current president, Ian Gentle, will remain on the committee for a further two years as immediate past president. We need to develop a slate of candidates for six other executive committee members. One of the vacant positions is the office of vice president, who will become president in 2021. Current executive committee members may also stand for re-election.
Once we have candidates, elections will be held and the new committee announced at our annual symposium AANSS, 19-21 November 2018.
If you are interested in becoming an ANBUG executive committee member, please email Katy Wood ( or Ian Gentle ( You should say whether you are interested in becoming vice president or one of the other members and send a short paragraph about yourself which will be circulated to members on voting.
Any questions please contact any of the ANBUG executive committee.