Neutron User Survey

2021 is an important year for ANBUG users as the federal governement will develop the Australian Governement Research Infrastructure Roadmap, ANSTO will develop its Decadal Plan and ACNS is to start up its expansion planning on the Second Guide Hall. Feedback from our ANBUG members is extremely valuable! It is our opportunity to shape Australia’s future research facility that can provide sustainable and state-of-the art support for our research. Because of this, the ANBUG Executive Committee encourages all members and people who care and interested Australian Neutron Science and Technology to participate in this 10 -15 minutes survey.

The survey can be done through the link below

It will be open for 4 weeks until Friday 2nd July.

The majority of the questions are intended for ACNS users, but if you are not a previous ACNS user and have suggestions on specific instruments, their resolution or other technical capabilities that you feel are currently missing, then we want to hear from you too!

Please forward this survey to anyone you think may be interested or through relevant networks

If you are interested in joining a specific working group focused on developing new neutron facilities, please email us at

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