Every 5 years the Australian Government reviews and renews its policy approach to national research infrastructure investment referred to as the “National Research Infrastructure Roadmap”.
We encourage the Australian and International neutron scattering community and the wider Australian research community to get involved by completing the 2021 NRI Roadmap Stakeholder Survey to share how you’re currently using ACNS neutron beam instruments, and what you need in the future.
ACNS would appreciate your input to the survey and provide feedback on your current and future needs for neutron scattering.
To assist you we would like you to consider the following when completing the survey:
-The need to maintain ACNS neutron scattering instruments and supporting infrastructure at world-class standard
-The ongoing need for deuteration in neutron scattering and support for the National Deuteration Facility
-Your requirements from ACNS supporting infrastructure such as sample environments, scientific computing, complimentary equipment (X-ray instruments), data management etc.
-New neutron beam instruments and expansion of ACNS neutron beam instruments including the construction of a 2nd Neutron Guide Hall
-International travel support program for Australian researchers to facilitate enable access to neutron capabilities not available in Australia
Please note that the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering is part of the “Nuclear Science Facilities (NSF)” NRI (question 10).
Apologies for the short notice – the survey closes on Wednesday 30th June.
Please complete the survey here: https://2021nriroadmap.dese.gov.au/get-involved/complete-the-survey/