9th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics

The 9th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (http://acam9.com.au) which will be held on 27-29 November 2017 at UNSW Australia. This is an Engineers Australia sponsored international conference organised by The National Committee on Applied Mechanics. The Congress aims to provide an international forum for researchers, industry practitioners, engineers and postgraduate scholars to promote, exchange and disseminate recent findings on contemporary and wide-ranging topics in Applied Mechanics.

The program of ACAM9 will explore several themes:
Advanced Materials and Structures
Automated Composites
Bio-mechanics, Bio/sustainable-Composites
Computational Mechanics
Dynamics and Vibration
Fibre Reinforced Composites
Fatigue, Fracture and Failure Analysis of Structures
Mechanics of Geomaterials and Concrete
Multi-functional Structures and Materials
Structural Health Monitoring and Structural Optimization

For more information and abstract submission pleases visit:

Neutron Diffraction and the Nanoscale 2017 (NanoDif 2017)

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce Neutron Diffraction and the Nanoscale 2017 (NanoDif 2017), a meeting that will be held in Daejeon (Republic of Korea), July 6-7, 2017 as a satellite of the International Conference on Neutron Scattering, ICNS 2017 to be held in Daejeon, July 9-13, 2017.

The aim of this cross-disciplinary meeting is to review and discuss the state-of-the-art in neutron diffraction at the nanoscale and to bring together researchers from a variety of scientific disciplines including soft matter, materials science, and biology.

The deadline for abstract submission is April 10.

All details can be found on the conference website: https://indico.ill.fr/nanodif2017

We look forward to seeing you in Daejeon for an exciting meeting.

The organisers,
Chris Garvey, Sung-Min Choi, Viviana Cristiglio, Bruno Demé, Tae-Hwan Kim, Han Young Soo.

AONSA Newsletter Vol 6 No 2

AONSA Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 has been issued.
The newsletter can be found at http://aonsa.org/aonsa-newsletters/
This issue includes the announcement of our own Jackie Knobloch as an AONSA Young Research Fellow for 2015, the previously announced award of the AONSA prize to John White, and reports from facilities and conferences around the region.

Call for nominations for ANBUG awards 2014

Nominations are now open for the ANBUG awards for 2014. Please follow the instructions on the ANBUG awards page to submit your nominations. Nominations will close around the 1st of September, depending on the date that is set for the AANSS meeting this year. Note that the composition of the awards committee has been changed this year to include recipients of past awards.

ANBUG election results 2012

Erich Kisi was elected vice-president. The other new committee members are Kenneth Blomqvist (Pacific Rail) and Michael James (ANSTO/AS).  The full executive committee is shown here.

ANBUG 2012 Elections now open

Elections to the ANBUG executive for 2012 are now open.  This year, elections are being held for vice-president (who will become president in two years’ time) and two ordinary executive committee members. Biographies of the candidates are available here.

Each ANBUG member will receive an email with a link to a surveymonkey poll.  Each member may only fill out this poll once, and must do so before the 31st of October.